2022-23 Grants
The Morris Educational Foundation funds projects in the Morris School District that create new models for learning, enrich the curriculum, promote self-esteem, enhance and expand enrichment opportunities, and help teachers grow professionally. Our goal is to ensure the highest level of educational innovation supporting students and staff in all 10 schools in a partnership of lifelong learning.
$199,450 in grants were approved during the 2022-2023 school year and occurred during this time.
*$10,052 in grants were approved during the 2019-2020 or 2021-2022 school years but occurred in 2022-2023.
$209,502 total funding secured for Morris School District students and schools
Initiatives for Students, Teachers & Schools
*Battle of the Books – $300
Frelinghuysen Middle School after-school reading comprehension competition designed to promote reading.
Booth at Morristown Fall Festival on the Green – $800
Participation in this annual community event to celebrate the Morris School District and its 50th anniversary and the Morris Educational Foundation and its 30th anniversary.
Chemistry Equipment – $6,500
Support from Novartis ($5,000) and ACS-Hach ($1,500) for cutting-edge materials to enhance chemistry education at Morristown High School.
Community Garden – $5,000
Installed at Normandy Park School in partnership with Grow It Green.
Cultural Arts Annual Funding - $32,000 total
Each year the Morris Educational Foundation awards blanket grants to all ten schools to support cultural arts programming.
Lafayette Learning Center Pre-K - $2,000
Normandy Park K-5 multi-age - $3,000
Alfred Vail K-2 - $3,000
Hillcrest K-2 - $3,000
Woodland K-2 - $3,000
Alexander Hamilton 3-5 - $3,000
Sussex Avenue 3-5 - $3,000
Thomas Jefferson 3-5 - $3,000
Frelinghuysen Middle School 6-8 - $4,000
Morristown High School 9-12 - $5,000

Eighth Grade Trip –- $5,018
Full scholarships for 13 Frelinghuysen Middle School students with need to attend the two-day trips (Fountain Spring Lake and New York City).
El Ricon del Alcalde (The Mayor’s Corner) – $8,451
Donations made in memory of Jay De Laney funded books in Spanish and English as well as bookcases to house them in the Morristown High School media center.
Flexible Furniture –$30,000
Flexible furniture for Frelinghuysen Middle School classrooms in partnership with the Lauren and Emily Failla Foundation.
Graduation Ad – $1,856
Celebrating the hard work and future endeavors of our high school graduates, a full-page Daily Record ad and print flyer was shared with the greater community.
Guidance Office Furniture – $5,000
Furniture for the Frelinghuysen Middle School Guidance Office to create a stress-free environment for the students.
Jump the Turnstile 2023 – $3,900
ARTS By the People’s Jump The Turnstile program featured three Intensive Creative Writing Workshops for the Morristown High School Creative Writing Classes.

Laminator Machines (2) – $1,019
For use by all teachers at Morristown High School.
Math Supplies – $200
Supplies to enrich math education at Morristown High School.
*MEF and MSD Family Author Experience – $4,628
The Author Experience brought second graders and their families together with children’s book author Sarah Aronson for an evening event at the Morris Museum.
MEF Student Club Advisor – $1,200
Support for a Morristown High School staff advisor to guide our student group as they fundraise and support high school students’ initiatives.
Nonfiction for All – $10,000
All Pre-K through 8 media centers received non-fiction books in partnership with the Morristown Festival of Books.
*Obie Pro – $5,124
Interactive educational game projector for Alfred Vail School.
Outdoor classroom furniture – $5,000
Picnic tables and long benches to create an outdoor learning space at Sussex Avenue School.
Project Graduation Support – $250
Support for Morristown High School’s All-Night Graduation Party fundraiser.
Reading Readiness: Preschooler-Parent Shared Reading – $7,476
To establish reading routines for Spanish and English-speaking families, Morris School District preschoolers and their parents enjoyed the in-person monthly Bilingual Book Club.

Science Day for K-5 Schools – $35,000
An interactive and exciting day of science that immerses all K-5 students in each of the seven elementary schools in STEM activities and unique hands-on learning opportunities.
Science Supplies – $200
Supplies to enrich science education at Morristown High School.
Senior Signs for all Graduating 8th Graders and High School Seniors – $5,000
To recognize our students’ success, celebratory lawn signs for all graduates were provided.
Sensory Path – $4,725
An ecolor+poster printer to print stickers and posters to create sensory paths throughout Normandy Park School to promote self-regulation of behavior.
Summer Plus ($1,500 per student) and Summer Music ($500 per student) Program Tuition – $17,000
A partnership with the Presbyterian Church in Morristown provided scholarships for ten K-5 students with financial need to attend the Morris School District Community School’s Summer Plus program and scholarships for four rising 4th -11th graders to attend the Morris School District Community School’s Summer Music Academy.
Theatre Department – $500
Support for the Morristown High School theatre program.
Thermocycler – $2,955
The thermocycler will enrich the study of biotechnology at MHS in forensics classes, nanotechnology classes, first-year Biology classes, independent research classes, AP Biology classes, and introductory STEM classes.
Tutoring for Middle School – $4,000
FMS after-school volunteer tutoring program for math and language arts will return next school year serving students who are at-risk of falling behind.

Community Programs
Success in the Real World – $4,900
Presented by the MHS HSA and funded by the Morris Educational Foundation, the
Morristown and Morris Township Joint Municipal Alliance and the Morris Plains
Municipal Alliance. Speaker Duncan Kirkwood shared his illuminating and honest presentation with students and parents.
5 Things Parents Should Know About Education Now: A Conversation with Myron Dueck About Student Learning, On-Going Assessment, Homework and Global Educational Trends – $1,500
An evening conversation with parents about grading and assessment techniques to support student learning.