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Usha and Shri Tatachar Scholarship - $6,000 ($3,000/year for two years)

Name of Scholarship:  Usha and Shri Tatachar Scholarship

Established:  2025

Amount:  $6,000 ($3,000/year for two years)

Description:  This scholarship was established by Usha and Shri Tatachar to give a Morristown High School senior the opportunity to pursue higher education.  Longtime Morristown residents, Usha & Shri’s two children, Vivas (Class of 2013) and Vivek (Class of 2017) received outstanding educations in the Morris School District. This scholarship honors their experience and celebrates the importance of education. The $6,000 scholarship ($3,000 per year for two years) will be awarded to a Morristown High School senior for the first two years of education beyond high school. 

Criteria:  The Usha and Shri Tatachar Scholarship must be used to pay tuition at an accredited 2 or 4-year college or university. If the criteria continue to be met, the recipient may also qualify for the same amount for the second year of college tuition. 

To be considered for this scholarship, the Morristown High School senior must:

o  Submit a complete MEF Common Scholarship Application online with the required supplemental essay.

o  Have applied to and/or been accepted by an accredited 2 or 4-year college or university,

o  Proven involvement as a community-minded individual,

o  Have a demonstrated record of leadership, integrity, and kindness,

o  Achieved an MHS transcript reflecting a minimum GPA of 3.0,

o  Participated and shown leadership in activities both inside and outside of school.

Preference will be given to applicants with financial need. 

To qualify for the second year of the scholarship, the recipient must submit a first year transcript and an update on their first year of college.

Application Requirements:

o  MEF Common Scholarship Application with an official MHS mid-year transcript

o  Complete the following Supplemental Essay (500 words or less):

o   How do you and your plans for the future embody the traits of integrity, kindness and leadership?

o  Complete the Financial Information Application Supplement

o  Provide a letter of recommendation from a teacher or faculty member who will address the applicant’s specific academic ability and/or specific roles played in community service or extracurricular activities. As required criteria for this scholarship, recommendations must provide the recommender’s personal endorsement of the applicant’s demonstrated characteristics of kindness, integrity and leadership.